“For any project, we know where to spend, on what to spend and how to spend. All the challenges have evolved us to make the best economic use of every resource and convert every obstacle into an advantage”


Having worked in theatre, films and T.V. in various departments of acting, direction, writing and production in the last 2 decades, I have produced few projects. We also provide 2D and 3D content for high value brands with a wonderful TEAM.

A producer who is also a trained screenplay writer makes for a profitable combination.


  • Investors and Financers who are looking for a sound producer with a good team.
  • Sponsors looking for in film branding.
  • International film makers for cross border projects.
  • Advertising agencies, Government, Corporate, Spiritual Organizations who want their content to be produced as per their requirements for films, TVC’s, Corporate videos, public service campaigns or documentaries.
  • Writers and Directors with bound scripts, detailed budget and project plan.


We produce, collaborate and are into acquisition of quality content.


Its no rocket science. We simply follow our heart and make use of all experience gathered by our team over years to deliver a project within budget and a committed timeline.


Anytime, Anywhere and Anyhow. We have multiple projects to be shot Overseas and in India. Our first project commenced on 1st March 2020 and wrapped up after a travel of 6458 km.


Being a producer is not something I planned. It emerged out of the need to create meaningful cinema with out the use of unnecessary violence and explicit content. There is a huge market for more and more such stories to be told from unheard corners.